Privacy Policy

Slazenger1881 Privacy Policy

This website is managed by Slazenger AB (hereinafter referred to as Slazenger AB or we). Slazenger AB is registered in Stockholm Sweden. Slazenger AB recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of personal and financial information. We have strict policies to be compliant with the information you provide us. If and when you register for our newsletter or shop at, we need to process and use submitted data to be able to fulfill our commitment to you, in accordance with this privacy policy. You will find information about what kind of personal data we process, why, what we use and how we share it.


What Personal Data Do We Process?

We collect personal data when you (i) purchase from our website, (ii) sign up for news, invites and offers, (iii) request support and (iv) are browsing our website.

If you give us your personal information, Slazenger AB will use this information for the following.

1. Purchase agreements, invoicing and delivery.
2. Customer care and future contact with you such as warranty cases and claims.
3. Market analyses and market information.
4. Advertising and marketing for ourselves.
5. When required by law or in legal proceedings or disputes.
6. Development, testing and maintaining systems.
7. Customer Surveys.
8. Accounting.

Who can we share your personal information with?
When necessary and in order to provide our online services, we share your information with companies that become personal information assistants for us. These companies help us with, for example:

1. Shipping (DHL)
2. Payment solutions (Klarna & Shopify)
3. Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Google etc).
4. IT services (Businesses that manage the necessary operations, support and maintenance)

When your personal information is shared with personal information assistants, it is only for purposes that are consistent with the purposes for which we have gathered the information (for example, to fulfil our obligations under the purchase agreement act or to customize offers based on your interests).


Do We Store And Collect Credit Card Information?



Legal Information Purchase Age

If you are under eighteen (18), we require that you inform and get your parents or guardians consent before purchasing anything on or any other website related to Slazenger AB. If you are under thirteen (13) you need to ask your parents or guardian to register for a newsletter.


Does Slazenger AB Share Your Information With Others?

Slazenger AB do not sell, rent or disclose our client´s names, addresses, email addresses or other personal information. If necessary, the personal information you provide to us may be processed by third parties, solely on Slazenger AB behalf but we do not authorize any of these service providers to make any other use of your information. We do not disclose your information to other third parties, unless we are required to do so by law or in connection with a legal claim or proceeding. If Slazenger AB is acquired by another entity or is merged or consolidated, information about Slazenger AB’s customers may be made available to the new entity. However, the new entity will agree to protect the confidentiality of your personal information consistent with this Privacy Policy. We may contact you, subject to the choices you have made, via e-mail, postal mail, or telephone, to conduct market research and learn more about how we can improve our product offerings.


About Cookies

Cookies are pieces of information on a web site and talks to your computer's browser for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies to ascertain which web pages are visited and how often, to make our web site more user friendly, and to give you a better experience when you return to the website. If you choose not to accept cookies, your experience with us will be limited and basic functionality will not work such as clearing a purchase. If you want to learn more about how to handle cookies, you can visit:


Contact Us

If you have any comments or queries regarding our privacy policy, please send an email to